Η Ενημέρωση της Κυριακής 15 Μαϊου 2011 :
** Όταν ένας άνθρωπος δεν μπορεί να βοηθήσει τον εαυτόν του , τότε δεν μπορεί να βοηθήσει και τους άλλους .-
**** Γάμος Ι-Μ στη Υπαπαντή Καλαμάτας 14-5-2011 παρουσία του Μητροπολίτη Μεσσηνίας κ.κ. Χρυσόστομου ...Σαββάτου :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjpEU56wqYY ,
**** Γάμος 14-5-2011 στον Μητροπολιτικό Ιερό Ναό της πόλης Καλαμάτας Παναγίας Υπαπαντής του Ι. Χριστού ! :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZd-bHd1smc ,
****Γάμος 14-5-2011 στην Καλαμάτα Ι.Ν. Υπαπαντής :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl8OIkKJ6eI ,
**** Γάμος 14-5-2011 στον Ι.Ν. Υπαπαντής Καλαμάτας παρουσία του Μητροπολίτου ! :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1YRVRdBKFU ,
**** Γάμος 14-5-2011 Μητροπολιτικός Ι. Ναός Υπαπαντής :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ded9srCv8LY ,
**** Ι.Ν Υπαπαντής 14-5-2011 Γάμος Γιάννη Χ. και Μαρίας Μ. ! :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb3Jca8zn0E ,
~~** Γάμος στην Υπαπαντή Καλαμάτας 14-5-2011 : ** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeNeyu2MLTc ,
~~** Γάμος στην Καλαμάτα 14-5-2011 :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLue9_C0S2s ,
~~ ~**Γάμος στην Καλαμάτα 14-5-2011 Ι.Ν. Υπαπαντής :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTK7BsSUDFo ,
*** Γάμος στην Καλαμάτα 14-5-2011 και Διασκέδαση στο κέντρο "Βεργίνα" της Καλαμάτας στην παραλία ! :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMLJ-oSrxkM ,
~**** Γάμος στην Καλαμάτα 14-5-2011 Διασκέδαση μετά στο κέντρο « Βεργίνα » στην παραλία της Καλαμάτας : Γιάννης και Μαρία …
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOHJ4L56PsQ ,
**** Αθλητικά της Κυριακής 15/5/2011 :
* Β΄ΕΘΝΙΚΉ Φούτ Μπόλ Λιγκ ,τελευταία αγωνιστική στο ποδοσφαιρο :
~* Εθνικός Πειραιώς - Αγροτικός Αστέρας 2-0 .- ^
~* Αναγένησση Καρδίτσας - Δόξα Δράμας2 2-1 .- ^
~* Διαγόρας Ρόδου Τρίκαλα 0-1 .- ^
~* Εθνικός Αστέρας - Βέροια 3-1 .-^
~* Ηλιούπολη - Παναιτωλικός 2-3 .- ^
~* Ιωνικός - Λεβαδειακός 0-3 .- ^
~* Καλλιθέας - Θρασύβουλος 1-2 .-^
~* ΟΦΗ - ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα 4-1 .- ^
~* Πανθρακικός - Πιερικός 3-0 .- ^
~*** 3η Αγωνιστική στα Πλέϊ οφφ του Ελληνικου πρωταθλήματος ποδοσφαίρου στη Σούπερ Λίγκ Κυριακή 15/5/2011 :
ΑΕΚ Αθηνών - ΠΑΟΚ Θεσσαλονίκης 3-0 (1-0 ) .- Τα γκόλ : 21΄Δέλλας , 47΄ και 67΄Ντιόπ , .- ^
~** Ολυμπιακός Βόλου - Παναθηναϊκός 2-1 , ( 0-1).- Τα γκόλ ; 33΄ Σεμπαστιάν Λέτο , 52΄Ηλίας Σολάκης , 64΄Μαρτίν .- _
~** Τελικός Κυπέλλου Ελλάδας στο Μπάσκετ
Παναθηναϊκός -Ολυμπιακός 68-74 ,( ), ( 39-37) , (53-58) .-
*** Ο Ολυμπιακός Πειραιώς για δεύτερη συνεχή χρονιά Κυπελλούχος !!! .- ^ Είναι το 9ο κύπελλο που κατακτά στο Μπάσκετ , έναντι 12 του Παναθηναϊκού !
** Αναρτήσεις Μαϊου 2011 :
*** http://snsarfara-stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2011/05/1-2011.html , 1η Μαΐου 2011 –Πρωτομαγιά .- (51) .-
~** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2011/05/2-2011.html , Στο αγιάζι της , Στο αγιάζι ενημέρωσης Δευτέρα 2 Μαΐου 2011 .- (52).-
~* http://httpdimmetoparfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/05/3-2011.html Στο αγιάζι της Ενημέρωσης Τρίτη 3 Μαΐου 2011 .- (31) .-
~** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/05/3-2011.html , Στο αγιάζι της Ενημέρωσης Τρίτη 3 Μαΐου 2011 .- ( 45).-
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2011/05/4-2011.html , Στο αγιάζι της ενημέρωσης Τετάρτη 4 Μαΐου 2011 .- (63).-
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2011/05/5-2011.html , Στην καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Πέμπτη 5 Μαΐου 2011 .- (102).-
~** http://arfara-messinias-stamos.blogspot.com/2011/05/6-2011.html , Στην καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Παρασκευή 6 Μαΐου 2011 .- (59).-
~** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2011/05/7-2011.html , Στην καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Σάββατο 7 Μαϊου 2011 .- (140).-
~** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2011/05/8-2011.html , ΑΘΛΗΤΙΚΗ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 8 ΜΑΙΟΥ 2011 *
~** http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010.blogspot.com/2011/05/9-2011.html , Ενημέρωση της Δευτέρας 9 Μαϊου 2011 * .- (22).-
~** http://vlasisarfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/05/h-k-10-2011.html , H Kαθημερινή μας ενημέρωση Τρίτη 10 Μαΐου 2011 , Αρρεβώνες Βλάση-Ελένης Σάββατο , 7-5-2011 , ,(46) .-
~** http://dimmetoparfara.blogspot.com/2011/05/12-2011.html , Στο αγιάζι της Ενημέρωσης Πέμπτη , 12 Μαϊου 2011 .- (49).-
~** http://snsarfara-stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2011/05/14-2011.html , Στην Ενημέρωση του Σαββάτου 14 Μαϊου 2011 .- (52).-
~** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2011/05/15-2011.html , Η Ενημέρωση της Κυριακής 15 Μαϊου 2011 .-
~ ** Γάμος στην Καλαμάτα Γιάννη Χριστόπουλος και Μαρία Μαργαριτίδου Σα, 14-5-2011:
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_yi6BW0Fk4 ,
~ ~** Γάμος στην Καλαμάτα 14-5-2011 Γιάννης Χ. – Μαρία Μ. :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvXojw1HKoo ,
~~** Γάμος στην Καλαμάτα 14-5-2011 Γιάννης Χριστόπουλος – Μαρία Μαργαριτίδου :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woESAHnPonM ,
** Γάμος στην Καλαμάτα 14-5-2011 και μετά ακολουθεί Διασκέδαση :
*** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gIh_0id7Ec ,
**** Πεταλωτής: Η σύλληψη Strauss Kahn δεν επηρεάζει την εφαρμογή των μέτρων~***
* Η Ελλάδα θα συνεχίσει να εφαρμόζει το πρόγραμμα του μνημονίου όπως έχει συμφωνηθεί από κοινού με την Ε.Ε. και το ΔΝΤ, ενώ η σύλληψη του επικεφαλής του Ταμείου δεν θα έχει καμία επίπτωση στην απόφαση της χώρας να επιλύσει τα δημοσιονομικά της ζητήματα, δήλωσε ο εκπρόσωπος Τύπου της κυβέρνησης Γιώργος Πεταλωτής, όπως μεταδίδει το Dow Jones Newswires.
* “Ως εκ τούτου, η εφαρμογή των μέτρων δεν αποτελεί ζήτημα των επιμέρους προσωπικοτήτων αλλά ζήτημα θεσμικών ρυθμίσεων», πρόσθεσε ο κ. Πεταλωτής.
* Ο Strauss Kahn θεωρείται ευρέως ως υποστηρικτής των προσπαθειών της Ελλάδας, σύμφωνα με το Dow Jones Newswires.
** ΔΝΤ: Παραμένουμε σε πλήρη λειτουργία
*Το Διεθνές Νομισματικό Ταμείο «παραμένει σε πλήρη λειτουργία» μετά τη σύλληψη του γενικού διευθυντή Dominque Strauss-Kahn με τις κατηγορίες της σεξουαλικής επίθεσης και απόπειρας βιασμού στη Νέα Υόρκη, δήλωσε πριν από λίγο η διευθύντρια Εξωτερικών Σχέσεων του Οργανισμού Caroline Atkinson.
* Σε ανακοίνωσή της η Atkinson αναφέρει: «Ο κ. Strauss-Kahn εκπροσωπείται νομικά οπότε το ΔΝΤ δεν θα προβεί σε κανένα σχόλιο για την υπόθεση. Όλα τα ερωτήματα θα πρέπει να απευθύνονται στον δικηγόρο του και τις τοπικές αρχές».- Πηγή:www.capital.gr
** Συνάντηση Παπούλια - Σαμαρά την Τρίτη
* Ο πρόεδρος της Ν.Δ. θα συναντηθεί, κατά πάσα πιθανότητα, την Τρίτη με τον πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας, Κάρολο Παπούλια, στον οποίο θα μεταφέρει τόσο τις θέσεις του για την κατάσταση της οικονομίας και τους τρόπους ανάκαμψης, παρουσιάζοντας τις βασικές προτάσεις που εξέφρασε στο Ζάππειο, όσο και την ανησυχία του για την αύξηση της εγκληματικότητας και την γκετοποίηση της Αθήνας.
* Σύμφωνα με το ΑΠΕ, ο κ. Σαμαράς θα καταθέσει ερώτηση, η οποία θα συζητηθεί την Παρασκευή, στην «Ώρα του πρωθυπουργού», για την κατάσταση που επικρατεί στο κέντρο της Αθήνας και την αύξηση της εγκληματικότητας.
**Συνάντηση Παπανδρέου - Καμίνη
* Υπό την προεδρία του πρωθυπουργού, Γιώργου Α. Παπανδρέου, θα συνεδριάσει αύριο, Δευτέρα 16 Μαΐου, στις 18:00, το Υπουργικό Συμβούλιο.
* Νωρίτερα, στις 17:00, ο πρωθυπουργός θα συναντηθεί με τον δήμαρχο Αθηναίων, Γιώργο Καμίνη.
**Aπάντηση Παπουτσή στις δηλώσεις Καρατζαφέρη - Μπακογιάννη
* Σχετικά με σημερινές δηλώσεις του προέδρου του ΛΑ.Ο.Σ., Γιώργου Καρατζαφέρη, και της προέδρου της Δημοκρατικής Συμμαχίας, Ντόρας Μπακογιάννη, ο υπουργός Προστασίας του Πολίτη, Χρήστος Παπουτσής, έκανε την ακόλουθη δήλωση:
* «Προφανώς, η κα Μπακογιάννη και ο κ. Καρατζαφέρης επιδιώκουν να εκφράσουν την αντίθεσή τους στην προσπάθεια για μεταρρύθμιση, σύγχρονη οργάνωση και δημοκρατικές αλλαγές στη λειτουργία των Σωμάτων Ασφαλείας. Στόχος, που αποτελεί διακηρυγμένη δέσμευση του πρωθυπουργού και της κυβέρνησης του ΠΑ.ΣΟ.Κ..
* Όσον αφορά στην αστυνομία, συνεχίζει τις υπεράνθρωπες προσπάθειες για την αντιμετώπιση της εγκληματικότητας και της παράνομης μετανάστευσης. Με πλήρη συνείδηση, ότι υποχρέωση όλων των στελεχών της Αστυνομίας είναι να στέκονται στο πλευρό των πολιτών, με απόλυτο σεβασμό στο Σύνταγμα και τους νόμους του κράτους δικαίου.
* Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν προσφέρουν καλές υπηρεσίες όσοι επιχειρούν να εκμεταλλευτούν, με κάθε τρόπο, λειτουργικά προβλήματα των Υπηρεσιών, αλλά και το γενικότερο κλίμα ανασφάλειας των πολιτών, ιδιαίτερα στο κέντρο της Αθήνας. Προβλήματα, που οφείλονται σε παραλείψεις πολλών χρόνων και λαθεμένες πολιτικές επιλογές της προηγούμενης κυβέρνησης της Νέας Δημοκρατίας. Όλοι οι πολίτες ενθυμούνται την εικόνα της Αθήνας, που παρέδωσε η κυβέρνηση του ΠΑ.ΣΟ.Κ. το 2004 και όλοι γνωρίζουν την κατάσταση που παρέλαβε η σημερινή κυβέρνηση το 2009. Τελεία και παύλα».
** To Άρμα Πολιτών για την επίθεση στα Εξάρχεια
* Ανακοίνωση εξέδωσε το Πανελλήνιο Άρμα Πολιτών για την επίθεση στην περιοχή των Εξαρχείων.
* «Η βία, η οποία συνεχίζει να επικρατεί στις συνοικίες και τις γειτονιές της Αθήνας, μόνο ένα στόχο μπορεί να έχει: Τη Δημοκρατία.
* Ο σοβαρός τραυματισμός άλλων τριών συμπολιτών μας από τη δολοφονική δράση κουκουλοφόρων μόνο οργή και ερωτηματικά μπορεί να προκαλέσουν, για τους σκοπούς και τις μεθοδεύσεις κάποιων κύκλων που συντονισμένα επιδιώκουν την αποσταθεροποίηση του δημοκρατικού μας πολιτεύματος.
* Η κυβέρνηση πρέπει να καταλάβει πως δεν υπάρχουν πλέον άλλα περιθώρια και να πάρει στα σοβαρά το ρόλο της διασφάλισης της εννόμου τάξεως που της έχει αναθέσει ο ελληνικός λαός.
* Οι καλύτερες ευχές μας προς τους τραυματίες και τους οικείους τους για ταχεία ανάρρωση».
** Αύξηση 42% στα κέρδη της Petrobras το α΄ τρίμηνο
* Αύξηση κερδών 42% και εσόδων 9% κατέγραψε το πρώτο τρίμηνο η βραζιλιάνικη κρατική πετρελαϊκή εταιρεία Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras), όπως μεταδίδει το Dow Jones Newswires.
* Συγκεκριμένα, τα κέρδη της εταιρείας αυξήθηκαν στα 10,99 δισ. ρεάλς ($6,72 δισ.) από 7,73 δισ. ρεάλς την αντίστοιχη περίοδο του 2010 ξεπερνώντας τις εκτιμήσεις αναλυτών που τα τοποθετούσαν στα 9,98 δισ. ρεάλς.
* Τα έσοδα της εταιρείας σημείωσαν άνοδο στα 54,8 δισ. ρεάλς από 50,04 δισ. ρεάλς ενώ τα EBITDA αυξήθηκαν στα 16,1 δισ. ρεάλς από 15,1 δισ. ρεάλς, χάνοντας τις εκτιμήσεις που τα τοποθετούσαν στα 56,49 δισ. ρεάλς και 16,4 δισ. ρεάλς αντίστοιχα.
** Αυστραλία: Αποκλείει πτώχευση της Ελλάδας κορυφαίος οικονομολόγος
* Τη βεβαιότητα του ότι η Ελλάδα θα αποφύγει την πτώχευση εξέφρασε με δηλώσεις του ο ευρισκόμενος στην Αυστραλία διακεκριμένος οικονομολόγος και βασικός μέτοχος του επενδυτικού ταμείου Toscafund Δρ. Σάββας Σαβούρη, όπως μεταδίδει το ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ.
* Ο ίδιος στήριξε την βεβαιότητά του αυτή στο γεγονός ότι μια ενδεχόμενη πτώχευση της Ελλάδας ή έστω αναδιάρθρωση του χρέους της "θα έχει οδυνηρές συνέπειες όχι μόνο για την ίδια την χώρα αλλά και για την οικονομία της ευρωζώνης".
* "Το κόστος", τόνισε σύμφωνα με το ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ, "θα είναι πολύ μεγαλύτερο από τυχόν κέρδη και μια τέτοια λύση θα πρέπει να αποκλείεται".
* Ο Δρ. Σαβούρη που περιγράφεται από τον αυστραλιανό τύπο "γκουρού-οικονομολόγος" εξέφρασε την άποψη ότι η πιθανότερη λύση του ελληνικού προβλήματος είναι "επιμήκυνση του χρέους μα ευνοϊκότερα επιτόκια".
* "Θα τεθούν κάποιοι νέοι όροι και θα απαιτηθούν επιπλέον μέτρα από την Ελλάδα" συμπλήρωσε για να διευκρινίσει ότι "αυτό δεν θα είναι αναδιάρθρωση του χρέους αλλά επαναδιαπραγμάτευση του μνημονίου".
* Ο κορυφαίος οικονομολόγος και βασικός μέτοχος του Toscafund μιλώντας στην αγγλική έκδοση του "Νέου Κόσμου", είπε πως αν η Ελλάδα πτωχεύσει ο πονοκέφαλος για την Γερμανία θα είναι μεγαλύτερος.
* "Οι αγορές, δηλαδή άνθρωποι σαν και μένα θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε τα κεφάλαια μας και θα στοχεύσουμε στους άλλους αδύναμους κρίκους όπως είναι η Ιρλανδία, η Πορτογαλία και η Ισπανία. Ακόμα και η Αυστρία. Δεν θα αφήσουν, λοιπόν, την ελληνική οικονομία να καταρρεύσει".
* Ο Δρ. Σαβούρη απέκλεισε επίσης το ενδεχόμενο της εξόδου από την ευρωζώνη και την επιστροφή στη δραχμή λέγοντας ότι "κάτι τέτοιο θα ήταν καταστροφικό".
***** Γάμος στην Καλαμάτα 14-5-2011 Διασκέδαση :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4qej7RWMo0 ,
*** Γάμος στην Καλαμάτα 14-5-2011 Διασκέδαση :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq4KzRt50eA ,
*** Γάμος στην Καλαμάτα 14-5-2011 Διασκέδαση :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OADmn0mssaY ,
Justice Eurocommissar Viviane Reding's nightmare is the freakish Greek government, October-18 mafia, which persecutes innocent dissident bloggers, using the cybercops as a political tool. Cry Reding! Reding calls for action in favour of a united Fourth Reich that needs more than ever that people stand up and fight for economic, social and political integration.
Fourth Reich(EU) is an illegal confederation that has no voted constitution, a flag no one salutes, an anthem no one sings, a Fuehrer no one can name, a parliament of prostitutes, a capital of huge bureaucracy no one controls, a currency that soon will not exist, rules of fiscal behavior that no member has been penalized for ignoring, a commission which is the Eldorado of corruption, brutal cybercops, and kleptocrats galore! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Reding points out we are at a critical moment in Fourth Reich: a time when some cast doubts on very important collective achievements. We should remember that the rights and benefits Fourthreichians enjoy today were not simply handed out to them. They had to be won.
Fourthreichian monetary unification is the Trojan horse for overall harmonization of economic rules, policies, and laws in Fourth Reich(EU). Any eurozone problem is interpreted as a consequence of the lack of harmonization and leads to another wave of a creeping harmonization. Following every crisis meeting with Napoleon Sarko, Chancellor Merkel always declares that coordinating tax policies and labor laws is not just about currency issues but also about political cooperation, which has to be deepened. In other words, more enslavement to Brussels, transforming the confederation to a federation!
Reding notes that sixty years ago, some Fourthreichians started to make a dream into reality. Fourth Reich was then built step-by-step, layer upon layer, with the hard work of many who won, through peaceful negotiation and responsible action, the freedoms and social rights that 500 million Fourthreichians enjoy today.
Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation, Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Fourth Reich(EU), an unvoted illegal confederation, cannot protect Europeans from Eurokleptocrats, especially Graecokleptocrats, and police brutes, especially Graecocybercops. Fourthreichian Premier Barroso condones the disgusting Graecokleptocrats who accuse dissident bloggers of treason, confiscate their computers, and lock them is jail!
Reding asks you to not forget that much of what we take for granted today (free movement, the freedom of expression, the single market, the common currency and of course the social rights) was only made possible thanks to the hard and responsible work of generations of men and women who patiently built the Fourth Reich of today. We have a great responsibility towards that achievement.
That is why Reding asserts that we should never accept attempts to roll back the Fourth Reich Treaties, be it our single currency, the Schengen agreement, or the free movement of. You can count on the Eldorado of Corruption that it will take all steps to ensure the full respect of European law and protect the freedoms and rights enshrined in the Treaty and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
The freakish government of Greece, October-18 mafia, robs computers and terrorizes the blogosphere! Why on Earth Durao Barroso, Neelie Kroes, Viviane Reding, and Cecilia Malmstroem of the European Commission cannot rein in Graecokleptocrats? If Fourth Reich(EU) cannot protect Greeks from October-18 mafiosi, who will? Greek dissident bloggers want back their stolen computers, their stolen files, their stolen persona data, and their stolen lives. Restitution is a basic right in a civil society. Brutal Graecocybercops should be abolished now. http://venitism.blogspot.com
Reding declares that Fourthreichian integration, whether economic, social or political, is too great an achievement to be sacrificed to party-political or other considerations. And it is exactly in testing times that we must unite our forces and show our determination to seek the best solutions and take the necessary action in a responsible manner.
Most MEPs want an end to the practice of meeting in both Brussels and Strasbourg. Opponents of the two-city system want Belgium's capital to be the legislature's sole venue, but Napoleon Sarko resists. Although most working sessions take place in Brussels, Strasbourg currently hosts four full parliamentary sessions each month under a concession granted to France in 1992. Travel between Brussels and Strasbourg for 750 MEPs and thousands of their staff, riding the infamous exclusive gravy train, costs half billion euros each year. There have been repeated campaigns to change the system, but this would require all Fourth Reich countries to approve the move.
The most recent figures of the Eldorado of Corruption's spring forecast show that the economic recovery in Fourth Reich is on its way, with front runners such as Germany of course, but with many European nations following this trend. GDP growth is expected to grow 1,5% in the euro area and around 1,75% in Fourth Reich this year. In 2012 the Fourthreichian economies are expected to grow around 2%. These figures are higher than those expected in the previous forecast of last autumn. They are the basis for building a Fourth Reich of and for the people.
Reding asserts that we should strengthen these trends of growth and consolidation to ensure that they translate into more and better jobs. Achieving such objective calls for continued fiscal consolidation and determined implementation of structural reforms that help job creation and improve a sustainable competitiveness of our economies. The social partners have a key role to play in helping Fourth Reich to achieve this. Because it is you who are involved, through our Fourthreichian social model, in social dialogue. It is the social partners who are closest to the working population. And it is you – better than politicians – who are best placed to advocate responsibility and confidence with our people.
Marilizardism, terrorizing dissident bloggers, is the cancer of cyberspace. http://venitism.blogspot.com Greece is a deranged Marilizardist country that has been transformed from the cradle of democracy to the cradle of kleptocracy, has a parliament of 300 hookers, forty ministers who are in power to get kickbacks and terrorize dissident bloggers, schools that brainwash kids to hate Turks, brutal cybercops, and hoi polloi addicted to iconolatry, nepotism, jingoism, acrimony, vanity, and statism.
The crisis is at a turning point in several countries. It is this year that we will see whether Europe and will turn the corner in this crisis and stabilise growth. The Eldorado of Corruption has made and will continue to make proposals which allow progress for the economy and for the people. Reding asserts Fourth Reich is the solution, not the problem.
Because this is certainly not the time for self-flagellation or negativism. But the time for strong determination and self-confidence. If we are all responsible – responsible in our words, responsible in our action – Fourth Reich has a good chance to get out of the crisis stronger than it was before.
October 18 confirmed that the Greek government, not the Turkish government, is the enemy of the Greek people! Marilizardist Papandreou of Graecokleptocracy crossed the Rubicon on October 18, 2010, when his Merciless Marilizard destroyed a distinguished professor and dissident blogger, in order to appease Premier Erdogan of Turkey! That's why the Global Tax Revolt declared October 18 as the International Day Against Cybercop Brutality. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/globaltaxrevolt
Reding wishes Fourthreichians be a bit more self-confident and more resolved to tackle the challenges and do our homework in Fourth Reich in all Fourthreichian countries, whether small or big, North or South. We all have responsibilities, either in political, social or economic areas. We are also responsible for reinforcing our society in the interest of our own people, and for giving hope and confidence to the next generation – not just improving the economic figures.
Reding muses that if we fail today to make Fourth Reich stronger, our children may not have what we have today: a united Fourth Reich that can offer its citizens a harbour for their hopes and values, for freedom and solidarity. All this cannot be achieved if we fight one another. All this cannot be achieved if we put the interest of some groups above the common interest. This will only be achieved if we unite forces, if, with determination and responsibility we say 'Yes, the wind blowing in the right direction; let's seize it together now.'
April 15: Global Tax Revolt Day
October 18: International Day Against Cybercop Brutality
October-18 Mafia: Government of Greece
Parliament of Whores: Congress of USA
Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square: Parliament of Greece
Eldorado of Prostitutes: European Parliament
Eldorado of Corruption: European Commission
Fourth Reich: European Union
Fourthreichians: Citizens of Fourth Reich
OLAF, Office de Lutte Anti-Fraude: Fourthreichian Anti-Fraud Office
Europol: Fourthreichian Criminal Intelligence Agency
Marilizardism: terrorizing dissident bloggers
* The European Commission is seeking views from citizens, businesses, public administrations and other interested parties on how to fully benefit from cloud computing. Nevertheless, cloud computing is thunderstormed by Eurokleptocrats, especially Graecokleptocrats! Digital Eurocommissar Neelie Kroes's nightmare is the freakish Greek government, October-18 mafia, which persecutes innocent dissident bloggers, using the cybercops as a political tool. Cry Kroes! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Cloud computing enables companies, public administrations and individuals, using networks such as the internet, to access their data and software on computers located somewhere else. It can help businesses – especially SMEs – to drastically reduce information technology costs, help governments supply services at a lower cost and save energy by making more efficient use of hardware.
The freakish government of Greece, October-18 mafia, robs computers and terrorizes the blogosphere! Why on Earth Durao Barroso, Neelie Kroes, Viviane Reding, and Cecilia Malmstroem of the European Commission cannot rein in Graecokleptocrats? If Fourth Reich(EU) cannot protect Greeks from October-18 mafiosi, who will? Greek dissident bloggers want back their stolen computers, their stolen files, their stolen persona data, and their stolen lives. Restitution is a basic right in a civil society. Brutal Graecocybercops should be abolished now. http://venitism.blogspot.com
Cloud computing is already used widely, for example for web-based e-mail services. This trend is growing and cloud services are expected to generate revenues of almost €35 billion in Europe by 2014. Promoting the right conditions for citizens and businesses to best benefit from this technical development is one of the actions foreseen by the Digital Agenda for Europe. The online public consultation will run until the August 31st. Responses will feed into the preparation of a European cloud computing strategy that the Commission will present in 2012.
Marilizardism, terrorizing dissident bloggers, has metastasized in many Mediterranean countries, impeding cloud computing. Merciless Marilizard, the culprit of October-18 shock and awe, terrorizes Graecoblogosphere. Accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Graecokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn may incite hatred and violence. The freakish government of Graecokleptocracy, October-18 mafia, is the only government on Earth which robs the computers of its citizens! Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of the government of Graecokleptocracy which terrorizes the cyberspace, robbing computers at gunpoint, perjuring, jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth. CCU of Graecokleptocracy is the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich(EU). http://venitism.blogspot.com
Kroes says: I am excited about the potential benefits of cloud computing to cut costs, improve services and open up new business opportunities. We need a well-defined cloud computing strategy to ensure that we make the best use of this potential. The input we are requesting from all interested parties is important to get it right.
Cloud computing has the potential to develop into a major new service industry, presenting great opportunities for European telecoms and technology companies. Client companies and public administrations can benefit from lower costs and state-of-the-art services by using cloud computing rather than installing and maintaining software and computing equipment of their own.
Global Tax Revolt points out the Marilizardist persecution of dissident bloggers is unquestionably a serious attack on freedom of speech, and contrary to Article 2 of Lisbon Treaty, Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights, and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The disgusting government of Graecokleptocracy cannot bully the blogosphere without repercussions and blowbacks. The international civil society got a shock and awe from the brutality of the infamous government of Graecokleptocracy on October 18, 2010.
The infamous government of Graecokleptocracy, October-18 mafia, uses the cybercops as a political tool. On October 18, 2010, Merciless Marilizard went completely insane, and she did not think twice about abusing her position in destroying a dissident blogger, an innocent victim of a wild political witch hunt. Under wild orders, a freakish gang of brutal cybercops broke into the home and into the college office of a distinguished professor and robbed at gunpoint his computers, software, files, documents, personal data, personal codes, and personal secrets.
The wild Graecocybercops locked the 65-year old professor in jail, they humiliated him with handcuffs, fingerprints, mugshots, and lies, leaked false information to the media parrots, and initiated sham court proceedings for treason! There was no mattress, no pillow, and no toilet facility in his jail cell. At night, the world renown had to urinate in a bottle! There was neither toilet paper nor soap. He lost his job, and his life is stolen forever by a deranged Greek minister. That's why the Global Tax Revolt declared October 18 as the International Day Against Cybercop Brutality. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/globaltaxrevolt
The Commission is inviting all interested parties, in particular cloud developers and cloud users, to explain their experience, needs, expectations and insights into the use and provision of cloud computing. Inter alia, the survey seeks feedback on the following issues:
* data protection and liability questions, in particular in cross-border situations;
* other legal and technical barriers that can slow down the development of cloud computing in Europe;
* standardisation and interoperability solutions;
* uptake of cloud services, in particular by SMEs;
* ways to promote research and innovation in cloud computing.
The results of the consultation will feed into a European cloud computing strategy that the Commission will present in 2012. This strategy will aim to clarify the legal conditions for the take-up of cloud computing in Europe, stimulate the development of a competitive European cloud industry and market, and facilitate the roll-out of innovative cloud computing services for citizens and businesses. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
*IMF named the No. 2 official, John Lipsky, as acting managing director. The charges against Strauss-Kahn are a huge embarrassment for IMF that oversees trillions of dollars and euros. Strauss-Kahn reflects Europeism, a product of Eurokleptocrats. It is a product of the drones who do not want to go to work from 8am until 5pm during the week and to have a normal job. It is a product of the freaks who want to steer, command, patronize, and legislate others. On the one hand, they include politicians and to them related bureaucrats and on the other hand, eggheads operating in the public space and in the media who are attached to politicians. http://venitism.blogspot.com
Bruce Thornton points out the worldwide Great Recession that began in 2008 has taken much of the bloom off the European Union rose. These days, the enthusiastic pronouncements of recent years, when Fourth Reich(EU) was touted as a bold new experiment in living, one leading the way into a new era, sound premature if not delusional. Equally premature have been the prophecies of Fourth Reich's future dominance in the New European Century, or the prognostications that the the twenty-first century might yet belong to Fourth Reich, or the argument that the European way is the best hope in an insecure age.
Strauss-Kahn's day of infamy immediately threw France's presidential race wide open. He had not yet declared his candidacy but Strauss-Kahn was widely expected to run for the Socialist Party and early opinion polls showed him with a big lead over the conservative incumbent, Nicolas Sarkozy, who is seeking a second term at the election next April. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
France's government as well as Strauss-Kahn's political allies and rivals called for caution and respect for the presumption of innocence, but his presidential hopes appeared to be dead unless the case against him quickly unravels. Marine Le Pen said her rival's presidential hopes had been crushed, while Christine Boutin suggested Strauss-Kahn may have been set up.
Europeans are very tolerant of kleptocrats' extramarital affairs, but the allegations against Strauss-Kahn are entirely different, and much more serious. In 2008, Strauss-Kahn apologized for an error of judgment after an affair with a female IMF economist who was his subordinate.
The Fund's board of member countries warned him against further improper conduct, but cleared him of harassment and abuse of power and kept him in his job. It will now face new scrutiny over whether that response was too weak, especially as there have been persistent rumors about Strauss-Kahn making sexual advances to women. The assaulted woman was treated in Roosvelt hospital for minor injuries. She has worked at the hotel for three years and the property's manager said she has been a very good worker.
Thornton notes Greece's expected default on its sovereign debt, the humiliating multibillion-dollar International Monetary Fund contribution to Fourth Reich's near-trillion-dollar bailout fund, and the looming similar economic crises threatening other Fourth Reich states like Ireland, Spain, and Portugal have laid bare the contradictions long underlying the Fourth Reich economic project of greater integration through a common currency and centralized policies, putting at risk its very existence. This economic failure complements Fourth Reich's unmet geopolitical ambitions. Given its limited military capabilities, Fourth Reich has been unable to project global power and fulfill its promise to be an important pole in the multipolar world that was presumably created by the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Strauss-Kahn has postponed Greece's expected default for three years. Yet despite these failures of the Fourth Reich project — greater prosperity, peace, and international influence through increased economic and political unification — many leftists in America continue to pursue policies, both domestic and foreign, that are moving the United States closer to the Fourth Reich paradigm. Indeed, many on the Left approve of the European model as something to emulate. Partly, this reflects the place Europe has traditionally held in the imagination of some Americans. Like the Yankee ingenues in a Henry James novel, they have admired the Old World of sophistication, culture, and civilization that contrasts with the New World of crude, go-getting, frontier brashness. But these days, this admiration more fundamentally reflects the belief that Europe provides a more humane and sophisticated set of social and political values. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Eurocommissar Joaquin Almunia points out the Eldorado of Corruption's case against Standard & Poor's regards the distribution of International Securities Identification Numbers developed by ISO, the International Organisation for Standardisation. S&P holds a monopoly position in the assignment of these ISO numbers to new securities issued in the US and in their distribution to the whole financial community. European investors have complained that S&P imposes license agreements and demands fees for the usage of the data even if they are downloaded from other vendors, something which is contrary to ISO rules. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
EU antitrust has been transformed into a terrorist religion, which relies on pseudoeconomic theories that bestow a veneer of objectivity and credibility on EU law enforcement practices that actually rely on hunch, whim, and blackmail. On all EU antitrust cases, from mergers to price fixing, arbitrary antitrust laws lead to ill-informed juries and bureaucratic abuse. Those laws also create a perverse incentive for entrepreneurs to hold down sales volume, stop innovation, and avoid improvements in price, quality, and service; otherwise, such entrepreneurs could become the next targets of the antitrust terrorists.
Eldorado of Corruption's concern is that S&P may be abusing its dominant position by charging excessive prices. Almunia is cooperating with the company and has just published, for consultation, proposals submitted by Standard & Poor's to check whether he has found an acceptable solution.
Galileo muttered the phrase Eppur si muove, And yet it moves, after being forced to recant in 1633, before the Inquisition, his belief that the Earth moves around the Sun. Similarly the new inquisition of regulators force executives to admit something they did not do, in order to get smaller penalties. Eppur si muove! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
The case involving Thomson Reuters is about the restrictions the company imposes on the use of Reuters Instrument Codes – or RICs. For example, customers of Thomson Reuters cannot cross reference them with identifiers of other vendors to retrieve data from them. That makes switching to an alternative data feed vendor costly and difficult. Eldorado of Corruption is concerned that the practice could amount to an abuse of dominant position.
European antitrust laws lead to huge corruption, because government officials ask for kickbacks in order to erase the alleged violation. The standard kickback in EU is 10% of the erased penalty! Many Greek officials were caught on tape asking for the corrupt tithe! Many European political parties make up their election expenses from kickbacks on antitrust cases! This is the worst possible blackmail, where tiptop ethical companies are held hostage by European kleptocrats. Eppur si muove!
Eldorado of Corruption now moves against 16 investment banks and Markit, the leading provider of financial information in the CDS market. Almunia wants to find out if the banks are jointly coordinating the control of the information flow on CDS trade to prevent other providers and data vendors from developing competing services. Eldorado of Corruption's preliminary investigations suggest that Markit may receive de facto exclusive information on the transactions and positions of many of these dealers. In addition, Markit's licence agreements may be restricting the development of the market.
European antitrust law is wielded most often by favor-seeking businessmen and their kleptocrat allies. Instead of focusing on new and better products, disgruntled rivals try to exploit the law by consorting with kleptocrats. EU officials routinely direct antitrust regulators to bend the rules in pursuit of political ends. In reality, the threat of abusive EC power is far larger than the threat of oligopoly. Eppur si muove! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Eldorado of Corruption also harasses nine large banks – all of them also part of the first investigation – and the agreements they concluded when a company called The Clearing Corporation was sold to Intercontinental Exchange, or ICE. In this operation, the nine banks gave themselves preferential fees and a profit-sharing mechanism which gives them strong incentives to use ICE's services with a de facto foreclosure effect on other clearing houses. Eldorado of Corruption is investigating ICE's fee structure, which may give an unfair advantage to the nine banks and discriminate against other dealers. If confirmed, this could be an abuse of dominant position to the detriment of potentially efficient competitors.
The only viable definition of monopoly is a grant of privilege from the government. It therefore becomes quite clear that it is impossible for the government to decrease monopoly by passing punitive laws. The only way for the government to decrease monopoly is to remove its own monopoly grants. The antitrust laws, therefore, do not in the least diminish monopoly. What they do accomplish is to impose a continual, capricious harassment of efficient business enterprise.
Almunia points out that over the past twenty years or so, the financial services sector has become increasingly larger and complex. No one knows this better than you, given that the wider industry accounts for around 14% of Britain's GDP. Today, overseeing a few investment banks and specialised traders is simply not enough. Eldorado of Corruption wants to extend oversight beyond traders and banks to cover infrastructure owners, intermediaries, information services providers and possibly more.
There is an Antitrust Armageddon in Europe between tiptop companies and Fourth Reich(EU). Eurokleptocrats are willing to do anything in order to get kickbacks from industry leaders. The European antitrust laws have the unfortunate consequence of harming Europeans by chilling innovation and discouraging competition. Instead of protecting competition, EU laws protect competitors who give kickbacks to kleptocrats! Kickback is the lubricant that allows a European industry to run smoothly! No European machinery can run without lubricant! Eppur si muove!
Antitrust enforcement and regulation must not saddle the industry with an unnecessary burden and must not stifle innovation. But Eldorado of Corruption wants to make sure that the market develops in ways that are compatible with long term stability and efficient growth. We need deep and liquid financial markets. Almunia needs a system that gives participants all the information they need to fully understand the risks they are taking when they invest in a product and to fully appreciate the price they are paying. Participants need to know who their counterparties are and what their exposures are. Above all, we need to promote a system that participants can trust.
April 15: Global Tax Revolt Day
October 18: International Day Against Cybercop Brutality
October-18 Mafia: Government of Greece
Parliament of Whores: Congress of USA
Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square: Parliament of Greece
Eldorado of Prostitutes: European Parliament
Eldorado of Corruption: European Commission
Fourth Reich: European Union
Fourthreichians: Citizens of Fourth Reich
OLAF, Office de Lutte Anti-Fraude: Fourthreichian Anti-Fraud Office
Europol: Fourthreichian Criminal Intelligence Agency
Marilizardism: terrorizing dissident bloggers
The White House and congressional Republicans are locked in a debate over the deficit and the debt ceiling. The Treasury Department is expected to hit its $14.3 trillion borrowing limit today, making it unable to access bond markets again. It is not clear that providing warnings during a boom ever does anything. Smart investors usually know when a bubble is forming, but they also know that there are great amounts of money to be made, fast, if one can stay in until just before the bubble bursts and then get out. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Investors who are not as smart see money being made and jump in, usually too late, and fail to jump out. We saw in the 1990s that the lure of a fast buck was not overcome by messages concerning the dangers of what Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan called irrational exuberance, no matter how trusted the source. But even more fundamentally, the libertarian perspective counsels politicians to do nothing at a time when all their instincts are to show voters that the government is doing something.
Obama asserts that if investors around the world thought that the full faith and credit of the United States was not being backed up, if they thought that we might renege on our IOUs, it could unravel the entire financial system, and we could have a worse recession than we already had, a worse financial crisis than we already had.
Republican leaders, who have said they agree the limit must be raised, say they will not approve a further increase in borrowing authority without steps to keep debt under control. The Treasury Department says it can stave off default until August 2 by drawing on other sources of money to pay its bills. Stimulus spending is like morphine. It might feel good in the short term for the beneficiaries of the money, but it doesn't help repair the economy. And it causes more damage if it gets in the way of a proper recovery.
Democrats assert the United States could plunge back into recession if inaction in Washington forced a debt default, with some 640,000 U.S. jobs vanishing, stocks falling and lending activity tightening. But stimulus funds stimulate government, not the economy. Downturn in a business cycle is painful but necessary medicine for restoring equilibrium to the economic system. Reject further lowering of the interest rate (stimulative monetary policy) or any other attempts (for example, deficit spending or stimulative fiscal policy) to stimulate demand. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
The too-big-to-fail (TBTF) banks that acted as middle men in the mortgage machine knew that the mortgage-backed securities (MBS) they packaged and sold to investors didn't meet the standards they claimed. In essence, MBS buyers were sold Ferraris but took delivery of Yugos. Because of these material misrepresentations, TBTF banks could be forced to repurchase hundreds of billions of MBS that they sold to investors. Since they don't have that kind of cash lying around, it's likely they will turn to their federal benefactors for another bailout.
The Federal Reserve's second round of quantitative easing(QE2) by printing $600 billion to purchase U.S. government bonds aimed at further stimulating the economy. QE2 followed the Titanic paradigm.
If dollar devaluation becomes too pronounced, Washington threatens to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs: namely, the dollar's reserve status. If that were to happen, a global financial crisis of staggering intensity would surely erupt, the resolution of which would not favor the United States. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
**Ο/Η Χρήστος Δάρρας έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του S.O.S!!!!!CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.....ΘΑΝΑΣΙΜΟΣ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΥΓΕΙΑ.
Χρήστος Δάρρας16 Μάιος 10:41 π.μ.
* http://www.facebook.com/l/75dbehVi_2np4KAoTR67eL1rxGA/www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-ljW5YEdao&feature=related
* δειτε το βιντεο και για οσους δεν ξερουν αγγλικα οι εικονες μηλουν απο μονες τους!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reporters Without Borders repeats its call for the freeing of French journalists Herve Ghesquiere and Stephane Taponier, and their three Afghan assistants, who start their 500th day in captivity in Afghanistan. They are the only journalists anywhere in the world being held hostage. http://venitism.blogspot.com
They were working for the French TV station France 3 when kidnapped in the Kapisa region of northeastern Afghanistan on 29 December 2009
"There must be further initiatives to get them out," the press freedom organization said.
"Otherwise it could be too late. Those who have the power to get Hervé and Stéphane freed are certainly in Pakistan, near Quetta. France must plead with Pakistan to intervene and put pressure on the leaders of the Taliban.
"The death of Osama bin Laden has weakened those who thought they were safe in Pakistan. Advantage needs to be taken of that. The way out of this hostage-taking is to be sought more in Islamabad than in Kabul," Reporters Without Borders said.
For the first time a member of the family of one of those accompanying the journalists has spoken out.
"If the French government and the other countries in the coalition, beginning with the United States and NATO, were better organized, the hostages could be freed in a single day," the family member said.
"But some countries are not cooperating and there is no coordination between them. For his part Hamid Karzai is not making the necessary efforts."
According to Abdolhamid Mobarez, president of the National Union of Afghan Journalists (NUAJ), "nothing justifies the holding hostage of these journalists for such a long time."
"From the start we have been worried about their fate, but we received instructions, particularly from the French authorities who urged us not to talk about their situation, perhaps so as not to get in the way of the negotiations."
He said he thought that Afghan officials were doing all they could but the problem was Pakistan, where the Taliban leadership was.
"Pressure has to be put on the Islamabad authorities and all possible support used, like that of institutions, civil society organizations and journalists," he said.
"The death of Osama bin Laden is going to weaken Al-Qaeda. He was their historic head and their main economic resource. I humbly implore the Taliban to free the hostages, they are journalists and should not remain prisoners for having simply done their job."
Sediqolah Tohidi of the Afghan media protection organization NAI criticized the lack of information about the situation of the hostages, underlining the fact that "nobody wants to raise this issue."
"Our office has asked for information from the Afghan authorities and officials at the French embassy in Afghanistan," he said.
"The Afghans have not replied and the embassy asked us to keep quiet for the benefit of the negotiations. It is obvious that here, in the media, they have been forgotten.
"I think that France, unlike the other coalition countries, has reacted very badly, especially in its relationship with the media, taking care not to reveal any information."
He said that it was the duty of President Hamid Karzai to act, officially or unofficially to call for their freeing.
"At the moment a group of Taliban, with the same ideological line as the hostage-takers, are living under the protection of the government in the middle of Kabul!" he said.
"These people are using the means of communication and the media to serve their goal. Who are they? What are they doing? Journalists are neutral. To inform is their duty and their imprisonment for so long a time is a crime against humanity and against Islam."
Global Tax Revolt asserts Pakistan is a terrorist nation. From the very beginning, the partnership between the US and Pakistan has been a marriage of convenience. Pervez Musharraf asserts it was a forced marriage. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage warned Pakistan shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, to be prepared to be bombed, to be prepared to go back to the Stone Age! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
In the fall of 2001, American toppled the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Pakistan had previously helped to install the Taliban in power because it viewed it as an ally against its archenemy, India. So the end of the Taliban also meant the collapse of Pakistan's defensive strategy. Since then, Islamabad has worried that the US could hand over Pakistani intelligence to India.
Pakistan is a society based on tribal groups. Each clan maintains a complicated network of relations, like a mafia. Under these conditions, it hardly seems imaginable that Osama bin Laden could have spent years living unnoticed just a stone's throw away from Pakistan's most elite military academy, an institution as assiduously guarded as the US's West Point or Great Britain's Sandhurst. Pakistani Intelligence officers knew about bin Laden's home, but they got kickbacks to keep it secret!
** Ο/Η Χρήστος Δάρρας έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του S.O.S!!!!!CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.....ΘΑΝΑΣΙΜΟΣ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΥΓΕΙΑ.
Χρήστος Δάρρας16 Μάιος 8:55 π.μ.
* http://www.facebook.com/l/75dbe2KR4wuDxrL_mqXgIHpG2OQ/www.on-news.gr/2011/05/blog-post_6569.html?spref=fb
Human Rights Watch(HRW) points out domestic violence exists in all sections of society, in all countries, including all Council of Europe member states. While factors such as ethnicity, religion, economic status, class, sexual orientation, and disability may shape the violence, it is not confined to any particular culture, country, or religion. In the Council of Europe region, roughly one in four women experiences violence at some point in her life. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Turkey is no exception to this disturbing picture. In January 2009, the Turkish Hacettepe University published the first-ever comprehensive nationwide survey on the prevalence of domestic violence against women in Turkey. Comprising interviews with over 12,000 women in all regions of Turkey, it found that 42 percent of women in Turkey aged 15-60, and 47 percent of women in rural areas, had experienced physical or sexual violence by their husbands or partners at some point in their lives. This means at least eleven million women have faced or are facing physical or sexual violence in Turkey. This did not include other forms of violence, or violence by other family members.
The study also found that only 8 percent of women who have experienced sexual or physical violence seek help from any institution, NGO, or other source of support. A different academic study conducted in 2009 concludes that only around 3 percent of women told the muhtar (elected village or neighborhood official), police, gendarme, a lawyer, or public prosecutor about their experience of domestic violence.
The scale of violence that women experience, and their reluctance to seek help, is intrinsically linked to their unequal status in Turkish society. Since 2007, women have held just 9 percent of seats in the national parliament, and only 27 of the nearly 3,000 mayors in the country are female. Women represent 27 percent of the paid work force. 19 percent of women are engaged in income-generating work in Turkey, and in the east this is roughly 10 percent. New illiteracy figures released by the government show great disparities between men and women: 3.8 million of the 4.7 million people who are illiterate in Turkey are women. In 2010, Turkey ranked 83 on the United Nations Development Programme's 2010 global Gender Inequality Index — third to last in the group of countries with high human development, and down six places compared to the 2008 Index.
HRW notes Turkey has in recent years passed major legislative reforms in the area of women's human rights including: adopting the Law on the Protection of the Family 1998; the Turkish Civil Code, reformed in 2001; and the reform of the Turkish Penal Code in 2004-05. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
The Turkish government, which moved to introduce legal reform in the course of Turkey's bid to become an EU accession candidate starting with its application for membership in 1987, deserves due credit for such changes. However, reforms relating to strengthening the protection of women's rights resulted from campaigns to effect structural, national advancements in women's rights run by women's rights NGOs, including Women for Women's Human Rights—New Ways; KA-DER; Mor Cati; KAMER; the Van Women's Association; the Women's Coordination Group; and others making up the Turkish Penal Code Women's Platform (TCK Kadýn Platformu).
In addition to these coordinated efforts, numerous strong groups of lawyers and activists are also working at a local level to lend women practical support. It is they who take women to the police and hospitals, who represent women in court, and who continue to fight to translate legal advances into practical benefits for women throughout the country. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
**Ρατσιστές... Ηλίθιοι ...ή κτίνη ; ?
* Πόσο σάπιο, και πόσο μικρό μυαλό πρέπει να έχει κάποιος για να κάνει διακρίσεις ανάλογα το χρώμα και την καταγωγή ενός ανθρώπου; Τον τελευταίο καιρό έχει γίνει ξεκάθαρο, σε πόσο ακραίες καταστάσεις μπορεί να οδηγήσει ο ρατσισμός! Νεοναζί ρατσιστές κυνηγούν μετανάστες. Το πιο θλιβερό και ανατριχιαστικό είναι πως όλο και περισσότεροι άνθρωποι χωρίς διαμορφωμένη πολιτική αντίληψη, κουνούν καταφατικά τα κεφάλια τους σε ρατσιστικά συνθήματα του τύπου "Έξω οι Ξένοι" κ.λπ.
* Οι λόγοι για τους οποίους οι μετανάστες έχουν φύγει από τις χώρες τους και έχουν εγκλωβιστεί στην Ελλάδα, τους είναι παντελώς άγνωστοι. Δεν τους ενδιαφέρουν οι απάνθρωπες πολιτικές, που μετατρέπουν εκατομμύρια ανθρώπους σε όλο τον κόσμο, σε μετανάστες. Δεν τους νοιάζει η πείνα, ο πόλεμος, η οικονομική εκμετάλλευση, που σπρώχνουν όλο και περισσότερους ανθρώπους στη μετανάστευση. Δεν τους νοιάζει καν, πως οι ίδιες πολιτικές έχουν αρχίσει να μετατρέπουν και μια νέα γενιά Ελλήνων σε μετανάστες! Και φυσικά, δεν αντιλαμβάνονται ποιους συμφέρει, αντί η κοινή γνώμη να στρέφεται σε όσα πράγματι την σπρώχνουν στην εξαθλίωση, να αποσπάται η προσοχή της με το να κατηγορεί για όλα τα κακά της μοίρας της, τους μετανάστες.
* Είναι άθλιο και υποκριτικό το να βγάζει κάποιος, τα πιο κτηνώδη χαρακτηριστικά της ανθρώπινης ύπαρξης, επειδή "δεν μπορεί να κυκλοφορήσει με τόσους ξένους" στο κέντρο, ή επειδή οι ξένοι του μυρίζουν στα λεωφορεία!
* Βάζοντάς τα με τους αδύνατους, που στην ουσία δεν τους έχουν έχει κάνει τίποτα και που στην τελική έχουν κοινά συμφέροντα ώστε να αγωνιστούν απέναντι σε όσους πράγματι τους καταδυναστεύουν, αποδεικνύουν πως... ή ηλίθιοι είναι και δεν μπορούν να σκεφτούν, ή κινούνται από τόσο κτηνώδη ένστικτα μίσους που εμένα προσωπικά, με κάνει να ντρέπομαι το ότι άτομα σαν κι αυτά ονομάζονται Έλληνες! Πάντως, όπως και να 'χει, είναι σίγουρα βολικοί για το μεγάλο κεφάλαιο!
** Ο/Η Konstantinos Manikas έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του ΝΔ Σύγχρονη Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντροδεξιά.
* Konstantinos Manikas16 Μάιος 4:28 μ.μ.
* Θέμα: Απορίες και… κριτική για το πρόγραμμα επανεκκίνησης τ
* Απορίες και… κριτική για το πρόγραμμα επανεκκίνησης της ΝΔ
*** http://www.facebook.com/l/75dbelFU9fDuDxR-xGKioNhM5Tw/maxitikoi-polites.blogspot.com/2011/05/blog-post_16.html
ή http://www.facebook.com/l/75dbeQB9RYQa2r2SdPMH0yxDxHg/bit.ly/jsV6kR .-
**Επιστημονική Ημερίδα Εμφυτευματολογίας"Προσθετικές Επιεμφυτευματικές Αποκαταστάσεις"Σάββατο 21 Μαΐου 2011Αθήνα , Ξενοδοχείο Stratos Vassilikos- Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες πατήστε< http://diaskepsis.gr/elpeseminar >εδώ
** Στη λιμνούλα με τα νούφαρα - Ένα οικολογικό «παραμύθι»
Στα σκουπίδια καταλήγουν 1,3 δισεκατομμύρια τόνοι τροφίμων κάθε χρόνο 1.3 billion tons of food lost or wasted each year, says UN report
Computer Game γνώσεων δια χειρός 16χρονου Ελληνόπουλου - "Shadow Descent" - Adventure Game
Στη λιμνούλα με τα νούφαρα - Ένα οικολογικό «παραμύθι»
Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό, στην άκρη ενός μεγάλου καταπράσινου δάσους υπήρχε μια λιμνούλα με νεράκι γαλάζιο στη μέση και πρασινωπό στις όχθες, από τους μικρούς θάμνους και τα χορταράκια που ολόγυρά της...
Στα σκουπίδια καταλήγουν 1,3 δισεκατομμύρια τόνοι τροφίμων κάθε χρόνο 1.3 billion tons of food lost or wasted each year, says UN report
Αυτό κι αν είναι παραφροσύνη!! . Ενώ 925 εκατ. άνθρωποι λιμοκτονούν και 5,5 εκατομμύρια παιδιά πεθαίνουν ετησίως εξαιτίας του υποσιτισμού,το ένα τρίτο της ετήσιας παγκόσμιας παραγωγής...
Computer Game γνώσεων δια χειρός 16χρονου Ελληνόπουλου - "Shadow Descent" - Adventure Game
Ένα πρωτοποριακό, σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο, ηλεκτρονικό παιχνίδι που παντρεύει την περιπέτεια με την ιστορική γνώση δημιουργήθηκε από έναν Έλληνα μαθητή και φιλοδοξεί να αλλάξει τα δεδομένα στον...
** Ο χρήστης Milan Papas δημοσίευσε στην ομάδα Μαύρο Ιστολόγιο Κομμουνισμού - Black Blog of Communism.- Milan Papas 15 Μάιος 10:59 μ.μ.
ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ ΚΡΑΤΑΤΕ ΤΙΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΕΙΣ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΕΣ ΜΕ ΤΑ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΙΣΤΟΛΟΓΙΟΥ... http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_307538102004&id=10150184974097005 .-
** Γεια σας, Stamatios, Ο Mixalis Terzakis σχολίασε τον σύνδεσμό σας.
Ο Mixalis έγραψε: "πολυ καλο" .. http://www.facebook.com/mixalis.terzakis/posts/228003920546465 .-
** Ο/Η Argyro Koukoula δημοσίευσε στον Τοίχος σας. Ο/H Argyro έγραψε:
"OMG! Its unbeliveable now you can get to know who views your facebook profile.. i can see my top profile visitors and i am so shocked that my EX is still creeping my profile every hour. click below"
* Απαντήστε σε αυτό το email για να σχολιάσετε αυτήν τη δημοσίευση.
* Για να δείτε τον Τοίχο σας και να απαντήσετε σε δημοσιεύσεις, ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:
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** Ο/Η Mixalis Terzakis δημοσίευσε στον Τοίχος σας. Ο/H Mixalis έγραψε:"ΚΑΛΗΣΠΕΡΑ ΦΙΛΕ ΜΟΥ" Απαντήστε σε αυτό το email για να σχολιάσετε αυτήν τη δημοσίευση. Για να δείτε τον Τοίχο σας και να απαντήσετε σε δημοσιεύσεις, ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο: http://www.facebook.com/n/?permalink.php&story_fbid=2080416377119&id=1446349692&mid=43a1826G56358b7cG2bdb1a8G1&bcode=R1ugql5A&n_m=stamoskal%40windowslive.com Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook
**Ο/Η Χρήστος Δάρρας έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του S.O.S!!!!!CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.....ΘΑΝΑΣΙΜΟΣ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΥΓΕΙΑ.
Χρήστος Δάρρας15 Μάιος 8:16 μ.μ.
Θέμα: μια σελιδα γεματη χρησιμες πληροφοριες ξεζουμηστε την
* http://www.facebook.com/l/2612fS6V2zwsJgLdatWAJcL9irA/www.solon.org.gr/index.php/2008-07-15-19-13-34/43--yg-/1979-ntomata-diatrofi.html .-
** Ο/Η Χρήστος Δάρρας έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του S.O.S!!!!!CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.....ΘΑΝΑΣΙΜΟΣ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΥΓΕΙΑ.
Χρήστος Δάρρας15 Μάιος 8:14 μ.μ.
Θέμα: ενα πολυ αποκαλυπτικο βιντεο για τα μεταλλαγμενα
* http://www.facebook.com/l/2612fu-5ICeuB9V31kMTK7ncEnA/gmargari.wordpress.com/2007/06/06/metallagmena/ .-
Reporters Without Borders hails the fact that a French court has cited the need to protect the confidentiality of journalists' sources as grounds for ruling that a prosecutor acted illegally when he allowed the police to examine the phone records of two Le Monde reporters who were covering a high-profile case involving L'Oréal heiress Liliane Bettencourt.
"This is a very positive signal that must be welcomed even if we regret that it has come so late," the press freedom organization said.
A Bordeaux appeal court ruled on 5 May that examination of the journalists' detailed phone records on the orders of Nanterre public prosecutor Philippe Courroye violated article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and a January 2010 amendment to France's 1881 press law protecting the confidentiality of sources.
The case was prompted by a report in Le Monde on 2 September 2010 that police had searched Bettencourt's home. When Bettencourt's lawyer complained that the confidentiality of a judicial investigation had been violated, Courroye ordered the police to scour the journalists' phone records in a bid to identify who had told them about the raid.
Explaining their ruling, the Bordeaux appeal court judges said: "The police investigation was in response to a claim – which was at the very least moot – by a private individual about the probability or even just the possibility that a violation of professional confidentiality had taken place. The requirement of an overriding public interest was therefore not satisfied."
Under the new French law, there has to be an "overriding public interest" for the police and judicial authorities to be able to investigate a journalist's sources.
"Prosecutor Courroye's action was grave," Reporters Without Borders said. "By compromising the confidentiality of journalists' sources, he was jeopardizing the trust of their informers, the very basis of investigative journalism. All the more so in cases that upset the government or some of its powerful friends. We are relieved that a court has finally recognized that his action was illegal.
"It was nonetheless always clear that the law had been broken and it is incredible that we have had to wait so long for such as obvious ruling. And that this was only on the initiative of a Bordeaux investigating judge who wanted to be sure that an investigation was legal. Ever since the spying on journalists first came to light in September 2010, no police or judicial official has condemned the seizure of journalists' phone records.
"Even more seriously, the prosecutor's office shelved two complaints by Le Monde on the grounds that violating the confidentiality of sources was not a criminal offence. The newspaper filed a new complaint in March, this time formally registering itself as a civil plaintiff. We hope this complaint will be treated properly."
A judicial precedent has now been set as regards application of the law on the protection of journalists' sources. But the damage has already been done in this case. More must be done in the future to ensure that journalists' sources really are protected.
Citizens have a democratic right to know what a government does in their name. Governments and their public servants bear sole responsibility for protecting properly classified information. Outsiders who receive or communicate confidential government information should not be prosecuted unless they have obtained it by fraud or bribery or duress. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
National security exceptions should be precisely defined, should protect the identity of sources who are at risk of reprisals but should not stop whistleblowers from revealing human rights violations – the public has, at the very least, a right to know when a war fought in its name is killing innocent civilians through illegal targeting decisions.
While the leaking of government documents is a crime, the publication of documents is not a crime. Governments cannot call for unlimited internet freedom in other parts of the world if they do not respect this freedom themselves. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
**Γεια σας, Stamatios, Η ΧΡΥΣΟΥΛΑ ΣΩΤΗΡΑΚΗ σχολίασε τον σύνδεσμό σας.
Η ΧΡΥΣΟΥΛΑ έγραψε: "ΣΑΣ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ ΠΟΛΥ !!!!" , http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=182645241784873&id=1717952162 .-
Turkey began a transition to democracy in 2002-2005, when it undertook complete reforms in order to begin Fourth Reich(EU) membership negotiations. The generals opposed these changes, but because the Justice and Development Party led a broad based coalition of pious Turks, big business, and average citizens who looked forward to the political and economic benefits of Fourth Reich membership, the generals were constrained from acting to undermine the reforms. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Generals always need civilian support to intervene in politics and with 80% of the public backing the Fourth Reich process, the officers would have undermined their cherished standing among Turks had they intervened to undermine the reforms. Turkey has become more democratic not because of the military, but despite the military.
Reporters Without Borders is both amused and shocked to learn that the High Council for Telecommunications (TIB), Turkey's Internet regulator, has issued Internet service providers and website hosting companies with a list of 138 keywords that are henceforth to be banned from Turkish Internet.
"If the TIB's aim is to control pornography, one wonders why first names such as `Adrianne' and `Haydar' or everyday terms such as `free', `pic', `fat' and `pregnant' are on the list of censored words," Reporters Without Borders said.
"With Turkey already blocking thousands of sites with content that is considered sensitive, the consequences of such keyword filtering could be disastrous for online freedom of expression. The authorities must abandon this scheme and instead reform Law 5651 on the Internet, which makes such arbitrary censorship possible."
According to the TIB directive, access to websites containing words on the list would in theory be suspended and it would be impossible to create new ones containing them. However, it is not clear how and to what extent the directive will be implemented in practice. The TIB could decide to suppress or block pages for just one blacklisted word. The lack of clarity about this repressive measure is legally unacceptable.
The list, which borders on the ridiculous, includes words such as "etek" (skirt), "baldiz" (sister-in-law) and "hayvan" (animals). It poses serious problems for access to online information. If words such as "free" and "pic" are censored, countless references to freedom and everyday photos will be eliminated from the Turkish Internet.
Referring to legislation governing the right to information, Yaman Akdeniz, a law lecturer at Istanbul's Bilgi University, has asked the TIB to explain the presence of certain words on the banned list and has demanded access to all the documents and source material used in compiling it. Reporters Without Borders supports his initiative and asks the TIB to respond as quickly as possible.
Turkey is already blocking access to more than 7,000 websites. References to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (the Turkish republic's founder), the armed forces, the Turkish nation, minorities (especially the Kurds), and so-called "terrorist" organizations are highly sensitive and subject to online censorship. Most website blocking is carried out in response to administrative decisions taken by the TIB.
The Erdogan government has a very big vision for itself, and it is partially driven by religion and culture and partially by vanity. They think they can do things that Europeans and Americans cannot do. They think that because of the Ottoman heritage and because of the cultural relationship with the rest of the world, they have a window to the rest of the world.
Fourth Reich is still the most important economic relationship of Turkey. Turkish goods mostly go to Fourth Reich. NATO and Fourth Reich are two fundamental building blocks of the Turkish foreign policy. Without that, they would not have the clout that they have now. Turks see themselves as the new power in the Middle East, and they will design the new Middle East order. When you look at what Turks have been doing in the Middle East, it's very much influenced by their belief that they are the most important country in the region, the most powerful country in the region, the one country that has relationships with everybody, and the one country that now people listen to.
Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoglu points out Turkey's foreign-policy objectives and its vision of how to achieve them are very clear. Turkey has multiple goals over the next decade: First, it aims to achieve all Fourth Reich membership conditions and become an influential Fourth Reich member state by 2023, the Turkish Republic's centennial. Second, it will continue to strive for regional integration, in the form of security and economic cooperation. Third, it will seek to play an influential role in regional conflict resolution. Fourth, it will vigorously participate in all global arenas. Fifth, it will play a determining role in international organizations and become one of the top 10 largest economies in the world.
Davutoglu notes these goals aim to build a strong and respectable Turkey that is able to make an original contribution to the world community. To achieve them, Turkey must make progress in all directions and in every field, take an interest in every issue related to global stability, and contribute accordingly. This collective effort will make Turkey a global actor in this century. Turkey's actions are motivated by a great sense of responsibility, entrusted to it by its rich historical and geographic heritage, and by a profound consciousness of the importance of global stability and peace. http://venitism.blogspot.com
Diplomats use tact to gain strategic advantage or to find mutually acceptable solutions to a common challenge, one set of tools being the phrasing of statements in a non-confrontational or polite manner. But some Greek diplomats use freak, instead of tact! Turkish diplomats far outsmart Greek diplomats on a consistent basis, especially Merciless Marilizard, who does unbelievable masochistic stupid things.
Unquestionably, the freakish Minidip of Greece is the stupidest foreign ministry on Earth, the minimum of diplomacy! Minidip is a booboo mill! Everything that could go wrong with this ministry did go wrong. On October 18, 2010, Marilizard destroyed a distinguished professor and dissident blogger in order to appease Premier Erdogan of Turkey. Dissident head on plate is something Salome, femmes fatales, or sirens would definitely appreciate! Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, especially Trojan Horses and dissident heads!
Erdogan, a smart man, did not bite Marilizard's bait. Instead, he felt his intelligence was insulted, and he drained his lizard! Moreover, Marilizard's stupidity and freakish inhumanity backfired worldwide. Now all diplomats talk behind the back of Papandreou wherever he shows up, and bond traders have penalized Greek debt with a stupidity markup on required return. This is a confirmation of the Butterfly Effect of Chaos Theory! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
**Ο/Η Elena Kallila-Mpoura δημοσίευσε στον Τοίχος σας. Ο/H Elena έγραψε:"OMG! Its unbeliveable now you can get to know who views your facebook profile.. i can see my top profile visitors and i am so shocked that my EX is still creeping my profile every hour. click below" Απαντήστε σε αυτό το email για να σχολιάσετε αυτήν τη δημοσίευση. Για να δείτε τον Τοίχο σας και να απαντήσετε σε δημοσιεύσεις, ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο: http://www.facebook.com/n/?permalink.php&story_fbid=191338000912504&id=1446349692&mid=4398cb2G56358b7cG2bd7002G1&bcode=R1ugql5A&n_m=stamoskal%40windowslive.com Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook
** Εγώ προσωπικά , το βλέπω διαφορετικά.
Υπάρχουν Πατέρες και Μητέρες που δεν αξίζουν να λέγονται έτσι!!!!!!! και καλά θα κάνει η Ε.Ε να απαγορεύσει και την λέξη Πατέρας..
Τώρα όσο αφορά την Ε.Ε , μην τρελαίνεστε..........
Δηλ. θα κάνουν μήνυση σε αυτούς που θα λένε Μητέρα?
Το ποτήρι είναι πάντα Μισο γεμάτο.......... Vasilis Petropulos
Συμφώνησαν κατάπαυση πυρός μετά από 15 μήνες το Ισραήλ και η Χαμάς -
Απελευθέρωση ομήρων
Από στιγμή σε στιγμή ο πρωθυπουργός του Κατάρ αναμένεται να ανακοινώσει την
επίτευξη συμφωνίας για εκεχειρία στη Γάζα μεταξύ Ισραήλ και Χαμάς.
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